Ruszyła zbiórka podpisów pod obywatelskim projektem ustawy antylockdownowej [WIDEO]
We wtorek (26.01.2021) ruszyła zbiórka podpisów pod obywatelską inicjatywą ustawodawczą „Otwieramy gospodarkę”. Założenia ustawy przedstawili posłowie Konfederacji w ubiegłym tygodniu. Ustawa ma zakończyć lockdown, czyli nielegalne restrykcje wprowadzone przez rząd i pozwolić Polakom wrócić do pracy.
Każdy może złożyć podpis pod projektem i wziąć udział w ich zbieraniu. Wystarczy wydrukować kartę (dostępna TUTAJ), zebrać podpisy wśród rodziny i znajomych i wysłać na adres: ul. Piękna 3/8, 00-539 Warszawa.
– Nasz rząd zachowuje się jak małpa z brzytwą. Tnie na oślep, gdzie popadnie – powiedział Sławomir Mentzen podczas konferencji prasowej w Sejmie. – Chcemy rządowi zabrać tę brzytwę zanim zrobi nam jeszcze większą krzywdę – oświadczył.
Źródło informacji: Facebook/Konfederacja,
Zobacz też:
„Dajcie nam żyć, dajcie nam pracować”. Restauratorzy apelują do rządu o zniesienie lockdownu [WIDEO]
Resistance, ultimately, is futile.
The time for resistance was either before, during or immediately after World War II. Ever since these Jews were allowed into America, and allowed to conquer it completely, we’ve been making a beeline for a satanic global government run by Jews, as outlined in their Talmud.
If these riots spread across the continent, it’s going to be interesting. But it won’t amount to much. They will ultimately be sent home and told to vote for someone who won’t lock them in their house based on the theory that they are protecting them from a flu virus which is mysteriously killing hundreds of thousands of people no one has ever met.
People are going to run on a platform, like Donald Trump did, of ending the lockdown. And they will win elections. But either the elections will be stolen, or once in office, the politician will announce that because of a “deadly new strain,” he has to do the thing he ran on a platform of opposing.
I can’t ever tell you enough times: this is all permanent.
Of course they are going to let up on some of it, and then bring it back, and change rules to make it seem like you have more freedom, or make it even worse, or whatever. They’ll tell you you only have to stand four feet apart instead of six, then they’ll change it to eight, then to seven, then back to four, then back to six. Any appearance of new freedoms will just be to dazzle and confuse you, leave you in a panicked state.
Remember: the virus is the flu. It’s just the normal flu. The death tolls are faked. This is a gigantic social engineering program, designed to bring in a totally new society.
Everyone has to be driven into poverty, safe for the ruling elite, who are getting all of this disappearing wealth.
Everyone has to be broken. The population of every country has to get used to having absolutely no freedom, and being treated worse than an animal by the cops and the government generally. They have to accept that they are not human. They do not have rights. They are servants of a machine, which can do whatever it wants to them, at any time. They have no right to petition anyone, they have no right to complain.
That’s democracy, and it’s your fault. You, individually, chose this. You could have voted for people who wouldn’t do this to you.
We should continue to peacefully resist, of course.
At some point, this entire global system is simply going to collapse.
Trust Jesus.
Janusze biznesu kontratakują.
ta semeniuk to tepa czy głupia jak tepa to niech sie douczy a jak głupia to won z rzadu
Ty nie jesteś nawet Januszem biznesu. Ty jesteś łajdakiem na etacie.
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